The secret to a great amplifier...

Is a $150 Orange fuse from Synergistic Research. Seriously, extreme boost in sonic performance. Blacker background, larger soundstage... if I wanted to make some bucks, I’d put these is cheap OEM compnents and start letting the accolades and purchasers come calling.

Mind you, I have a high value-oriented $20k system, so it was nice before, but damn!
A lot of our current theory of electricity is actually based on things we didn’t know in the 1800’s, however, knowing more about what happens at the atomic level does not change what happens at the macro level.

I agree, everyone should try fuses, and when you do it, do a proper experiment and have someone else change the fuse (or not) and yes, absolutely trust your ears to determine the result. Highly encourage that!

The Naysayer Church wants you to trust their antiquated science (1800’s electrical theory) and faith-based, religious doctrine, BLINDLY ("Trust ME!", their credo).

Now, given that some of those fuses are $100+, how do you propose validating the fuse rating when it appears the supplier has not?

Anyone that knows anything about the sciences, realizes that something like 96% of what makes up this universe, remains a mystery.

Why is it that those least knowledgeable about the sciences are most apt to support things that are not supported by science?
   "........knowing more about what happens at the atomic level does not change what happens at the macro level."          BUT; new knowledge will, generally, help us understand the WHY (at least: get us closer).      A modicum of Wave-Particle Duality and QED study, can open one's eyes to the possibilities, surrounding what's happening with conductors, dielectrics, and our voltages/signals.          Of course; arguments between theories and concepts will never end.     The only thing that should matter here, is what one hears for themselves, in their own home.      
Far as, "a proper experiment", as I said, "IF you’re interested in improving your system’s presentation, have a shred of confidence in your capacity for perceiving reality and trust your own senses: try a better fuse, FOR YOURSELF."         
and trust your own senses

That is the same argument that people who believe the earth is flat use.

What is amazing is with all the evidence showing how easy it is to fool our senses, that people still insist they are special, and that quoting the internet somehow makes them an expert.

We know without a shred of doubt that visual stimulus can impact our audible perception, and our taste perception even our emotional perception. Why insist this is not true. You can't claim to be a person of science on one hand, then conveniently reject the science that does not agree with what you want to believe (and accuse other people of Dunning Kruger).

First red (or was that black), then black, then blue, then orange, and all age somehow "so much better" than the one before. It begs the question, was your system so awful to start that successive generations of fuse upgrades made a huge difference? Call me skeptical.

I wonder why these fuses blow more often than other fuses?
jaybe665 posts10-09-2019 7:43amI find SR fuses to blow much more easily than a normal fuse with the same rating. After this happening a few times with the Blues I took the advise of Alfred at High End Electronics and bought a slightly higher rating fuse but it too eventually blew. Two pieces of highly regarded equipment this happened with that otherwise have no problems.