I want to open a store in Hong Kong.

I am planning to move to Asia, where I want to start my own business selling audio equipment from the USA. Has anyone done something like this. If you have experience, give advice. What about licensing of copyright equipment?
Masks are worse than useless. Reminder guys, I work in health care.
That ranks right up there with "Fuses, cables, isolation devices and other tweaks don’t make a difference. Remember guys, I’m an E.E."

Now we learned that having trouble breathing and being positive for SARS-CoV2 means a person does not have symptoms. It is just made-up BS. Even when you feel you are breathing under water. Wow, just wow.

The long-term effects of COVID-19 on cognition are apparently way underappreciated.

Which brings up another question. How does one acquire hydrochloroquine "just in case"? Isn't it prescription medication? Is it sold on street corners by shady people who supply shady buyers?
"Masks are worse than useless."

Wise words from the one who had it to those who have not had it yet.

Almighty they are not, useless they are not, either.