Should I still buy a CD player? Suggest one?

I just read that Best Buy is discontinuing CDs. This seems like a bad omen for CDs in general. I had a system I liked and lost most of it in a fire this summer. Insurance will buy me a replacement, but is it unwise to buy a CD player now? What are high end people doing now for source?

And, my players was a Creek CD-43, CD-53, bought in about 2002. What would be an equivalent quality now? Insurance doesn't care that they are more expensive now, they just want an equal replacement. If I buy a player, which is the most popular good CD player now? It's important that is it a popular one, because I don't want to get saddled with something hard to sell since things are in flux.


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Fires are life changing. I imagine not only your sound pleasures got zapped. Sorry. But now it’s rebirth time. New gear is fun!
Steaming is a lovely Pandora’s box. Sooooo much. Too much. Jump all over or dive deep. 
I was all records, then CD’s but for a record set up on par with a good to great streamer pick a dollar amount that would make you gulp. Yes steaming (done right) sounds that good. 
If I had the cash I’d have records  too. But the set up I’d want is prohibitive. 
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Heck yes I bought 600 classical used CDs  Telarc, Deutch Gramaphone, Sony classical for $100 showing zero wear. I bought 100 jazz cds for a buck apiece again all the big names playing and singing. I'm retired and new to this hobby and my funds are limited. I'll wait a year or so to buy a good streamer and pay for monthly access to music sources.  I'm 74 and hearing is well not like I was 20.  So far the CDs sound outstanding to me on my Canton 9K. I'm a happy camper, upgrades will come later as disposable income accumulates ( hopefully)  if I live that long. Pick up a cheap player I have a Marantz cd 6006. but hey I'm a rookie but I'm also Scottish lol.