Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?

I have a Quicksilver Line Stage Preamp (12AT7) mated to an Odyssey Khartago Stereo. Overall I like it. Way too much gain but I digress. Weeks after receiving it I rolled in a few different tubes, kinda fun to color the sound signature. I liked rhe RXA black plates I got and those stuck around for more than a year. They started going microphonic and making noises so I ordered another pair (noisy) then another different vendor (blasts of white noise) and another set that arrived today (one is noisy as holy hell and one seems fine).

So where does one order preamp quality tunes that are quiet? Is there something I’m not requesting when ordering? Maybe dump
snd go solid state? I’m trying to be humorous because I’m pissed. Ha.
yes, tubes are noisier than solid state, quite often the case

but the tube gear noise level can be managed so that it does not interfere with listening pleasure

as with many good things in life, you have to work at it a little to reap the rewards

if one is unwilling or not equipped to pursue, then there are alternatives, also able to deliver listening pleasure
@gochurchgo interested to hear how the new Gold Lions compare to RCA black plates in terms of noise floor and soundstage! Have you listened yet? Also what “level” did you buy from Upscale?
@leemazei got Mullards and they are, after 60 or so hours now making noise. I’m going to try to return them to upscale and switch back to the RCA’s.
Unless this is somehow electrical
noise then this preamp is a tube destroyer, although I went a year with the same set and had no issues. Go figure.
Pretty fed up. All I want to do is play music, not spend and-into fortunes shipping tubes.