Making phono resistance plugs

Any ideas about making a pair? Looks simple. Any esoteric suggestions? Need a little over 400 ohm. Any particular brand of resistor, or plug? 
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Oh my, 101 needs to be 102 or 202 ? LOL Look we can get all teckie, I don't think you need too.  That information, is just, that information..

I suppose we could add a few dozen pages of "STUFF", BUT he asked how to make a resistance plug.. :-)

My buddy makes his out of RCA terminal ends, and slips a little cover over, it..

He is better at than me. I swear he can get a pin drop in the background, if it's on that vinyl.. I heard some crazy stuff. 

On the fly is the best I would hope for. On the fly if your loaded correctly, can you roll between your preset loads, with the selector. In other words 
is the selector, either or, but NOT between the given settings?

Can you roll to 15, 16,17 or 20, with a pot? or is it pre selected? If you had that ability to bias differently BETWEEN say 40 -60, on the fly.. 42,3,4,5,6,7, get very tiny changes via that pot.. Could be magic..

Sure works that way with Reel to Reel.. AND vinyl too, AY?

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lalitk, "My thought" on loading your Hana cartridge is to start with a 47K ohm load and listen for an hour or so, at the very least, using a variety of your favorite LPs.  Then, if you are not happy, gradually reduce the load resistance until you reach a value that pleases you.  But this is a process best done slowly and deliberately.  As to the idea of using a potentiometer to dial in the load "on the fly", that is not advisable, will degrade sound.  Definitely it would not be "magic".
Y-adapter trick is appealing, but keep in mind that the phono stage will "see" the source impedance of the cartridge itself in parallel with the paralleled resistance.  This is not necessarily a disaster but something to keep in mind.  Same is true of the parallel "plug" technique.