Not a cable searcher here. But damage to my long Pre-Power IC necessitated a change. Stumbled across the AE threads on here which piqued my interest, in part due to claims of low capacitance being an advantage in long runs, mine being 25'.
I'm floored. Was looking for a little better leading edge without losing listenability. Wasn't prepared for the increased truth of timbre, honesty of voices and the authenticity of horns that these cables brought forth. Honestly, I was just hoping I wouldn't lose bass, warmth and musicality. Sometimes increased resolution comes at the expense of the emotional connection. In this case however the emotional connection jumped out of the system.
We hear music lovers sometimes use the wife as a barometer regarding sound quality, in part due to a lack of expectation bias on their part, possibly even a negative or neutral expectation bias due to concerns about fostering further expenditures. My wife has no analytical side as pertains to music, it's all about the connection. So yesterday she's asking me what was the last song she listened to the night previous, then tells her brother in law it's now her favorite song. Thing is, she's been hearing it for 30 years.