Pass Labs XA30.8

Hi all,

I had the opportunity to audition the Pass Labs XA30.8 at a dealer was really like the whole presentation - huge,deep soundstage with great depth.

My preamp is Simaudio Moon 390. I am wondering if anyone here is running this combo - Moon 390 with Pass Labs XA30.8s.

My speakers are fairly efficient (92.5dB).

While my current combo (Moon 390 preamp and Moon 330A power amp) is great, the presentation is a little in your face. It feels like I am sitting in the front row with the band right in front. I want a more laid back presentation and hence the mind flirtation with the XA30.8s :)

Appreciate any input if anyone is running this exact combo. Please note I am only looking at XA30.8s and not the X series or any of their Class A mono blocks.

Yes, you must!  I drive my 30.8 with an LTA MZ2 pre., and they make beautiful music with a pair of Vandersteen Treo CT speakers.  You won’t be disappointed.
The 30.8 is a 94 lb monster.  It may be rated for 30 W Class A but puts out much more power if needed.  It will drive your speakers with ease.
I have the XA25 and it’s fabulous ! the 30.8 is a bit more hard hitting and transparent. It will easily drive your speakers !  I’m a tube guy and have been for decades..  but have had my share of issues with power amps..  I was going to go with the FW J2 or one of the SIT versions. after some discussions with Pass and Mark at Reno Hifi, I was directed to the XA lineup to match my needs. my speakers are 95dB at 8 ohms with a 1 ohm variance throughout the freq range.. easy load, but needs lots of current, Daedalus Athena.
I still might get a first watt amplifier, the SIT3 or J2.. as they excel is certain areas, but overall.. The XA does everything well. Good luck !
As general info pursuant to the .8 series, feel free to read my review of the XA200.8 Monos, which I compared to previous series. Article appears at 

The Pass .8 series has been out since late 2013 maybe its long over due for a new series.  Has anyone heard about a possible new series of Pass amps?