The NAD M33 will cancel your complaints about Class D

There are many reasons to like one type of sound over another. Even among what are considered very good amplifiers there’s a broad range of tastes and preferences among audiophiles. Just ask a SET aficionado!

However, no class is more maligned, inappropriately, than Class D. To hear some regulars tell it, Class D sound will thin your blood, make your teeth fall out and ruin your enjoyment of just about everything because it sounds so (fill in a lot of tropes from the 1980’s here).

I’ve been listening to NAD’s prior collaboration with Bruno Putzy and I can tell with some confidence that none of those tired old tropes apply. For reasons related much more to tonal balance than anything else, I’m sticking with Class A/B in my main system, but with the introduction of the next gen Anthem AVR receivers and the NAD M33 I may be making the switch back to class D.

You don’t have to like the M33 or the Anthem’s but can we at least agree that it’s time to retire the old guard of reasons not to buy Class D? Lets lay those poor phantoms to rest.
+2 jjss49

     You gave a good summary, seem to have a good grasp of the subject and true dat.

Post removed 
The best experience I’ve had with class D was with a low powered unit by SPEC.  I’m curious if Atmosphere is familiar with their amps.  In the end I found I was listening less, so it got the axe.  I’ll be skeptical of class D after that sham of a thread where everyone was selling $40k worth of tube gear to buy a particular class d European amp.  That got the axe much quicker than the spec. Hope you all enjoy what you have to be grateful for. 
Here's what I am convinced of: They don't sound like 1980s digital amps.
This is a fact, though, the word “digital” is a misnomer when used to describe class D. More appropriate to refer to them as PWM is it not?

The topology has improved vastly, even in just the last 10 years, and the good ones are at least listenable. I can certainly tolerate their use in cars and Bluetooth speakers at least.

happy thanksgiving to you and to all

you are right... i would say that anyone posting on this forum has a lot to be thankful for