The NAD M33 will cancel your complaints about Class D

There are many reasons to like one type of sound over another. Even among what are considered very good amplifiers there’s a broad range of tastes and preferences among audiophiles. Just ask a SET aficionado!

However, no class is more maligned, inappropriately, than Class D. To hear some regulars tell it, Class D sound will thin your blood, make your teeth fall out and ruin your enjoyment of just about everything because it sounds so (fill in a lot of tropes from the 1980’s here).

I’ve been listening to NAD’s prior collaboration with Bruno Putzy and I can tell with some confidence that none of those tired old tropes apply. For reasons related much more to tonal balance than anything else, I’m sticking with Class A/B in my main system, but with the introduction of the next gen Anthem AVR receivers and the NAD M33 I may be making the switch back to class D.

You don’t have to like the M33 or the Anthem’s but can we at least agree that it’s time to retire the old guard of reasons not to buy Class D? Lets lay those poor phantoms to rest.
NAD 33. Decent but not a Simaudio ACE or NAIM Uniti. Same money or less, much better sound 

NAD 33. Decent but not a Simaudio ACE or NAIM Uniti. Same money or less, much better sound

have you tested side by side under controlled conditions?  not debating your statement - just wondering what it is based on...
I am pretty sure the NAD delivers a lot more power and current than those two which will make a big difference driving many modern day speakers to their max. 

Good point, jjss49. Some class D naysayers just parrot comments about class D they heard elsewhere, it doesn’t seem to matter much which century or decade they heard it in, many haven’t even bothered to audition a good quality class D amp and yet they don’t hesitate to dismiss them out of hand.
Comments like the one from cdamiller5 are worthless without supporting details. Why even bother posting?
Hopefully, cdamiller5 will take this post as the semi-constructive feedback that it was intended as.

I’m betting many of those bashing or dismissing the NAD M33 have not actually heard one, (they are backordered most places) much less did a direct comparison with their preferred unit(s). It has won numerous awards and has had great reviews. I actually have one and it sounds freaking amazing over my admittedly mid-fi SVS Prime Pinnacle speakers. It is absolutely NOT lean, and it sounds better to me without the full Dirac room correction implemented, probably because I’ve got a decent amount of physical room correction in my listening room already. It is also somewhat future “proofed” with two bays available for new hardware. Flawless streaming, too.

And geez you think you could say more with less rambling?!