Ignoring everything you have, if you'd like a nice inexpensive and great sounding office system, here are a couple of options for affordable (on the used market) and great sounding setups.
Vincent SV-237 integrated (solid state amp/tube preamp section - need to upgrade the tubes to get the most out of it)
ARC Vsi-55 integrated (tubes)
MHDT Labs Orchid DAC
Schiit Bifrost 2
Harbeth P3ESR speakers
I owned the Peachtree Nova 300. It's a great all arounder, but it's a bit rolled off on the top and will never give you the low level detail you're looking for. It's very neutral and does a lot of things right, but will be bettered by either of the integrateds I mentioned.
I have the Canton 830.2 and their bigger and better brothers the Vento Reference 9.2 DC. They are nice neutral speakers with a lot of bass for their form factor, but the Harbeths will give you more detail without sounding "bright" or fatiguing. You'll hear things you never noticed with the Cantons.
As far as DACs, I really love the Orchid, it's a very "analog" sounding and easy to listen to DAC with good detail. I recently bought a Schiit Bifrost 2 after hearing it in a friend's fairly high end system (Line Magnetic 805iA and Harbeth 40.2 speakers) and was completely blown away by how good it sounded. It pushed the Orchid out of my computer system.
Vincent SV-237 integrated (solid state amp/tube preamp section - need to upgrade the tubes to get the most out of it)
ARC Vsi-55 integrated (tubes)
MHDT Labs Orchid DAC
Schiit Bifrost 2
Harbeth P3ESR speakers
I owned the Peachtree Nova 300. It's a great all arounder, but it's a bit rolled off on the top and will never give you the low level detail you're looking for. It's very neutral and does a lot of things right, but will be bettered by either of the integrateds I mentioned.
I have the Canton 830.2 and their bigger and better brothers the Vento Reference 9.2 DC. They are nice neutral speakers with a lot of bass for their form factor, but the Harbeths will give you more detail without sounding "bright" or fatiguing. You'll hear things you never noticed with the Cantons.
As far as DACs, I really love the Orchid, it's a very "analog" sounding and easy to listen to DAC with good detail. I recently bought a Schiit Bifrost 2 after hearing it in a friend's fairly high end system (Line Magnetic 805iA and Harbeth 40.2 speakers) and was completely blown away by how good it sounded. It pushed the Orchid out of my computer system.