Why are digital streaming equipment manufacturers refusing to answer me?

I have performed double blind tests with the most highly regarded brands of streamers and some hifi switches. None have made any difference to my system on files saved locally. I have asked the following question to the makers of such systems and almost all have responded with marketing nonsense. 
My system uses fiber optic cables. These go all the way to the dac (MSB). Thus no emi or rfi is arriving at the dac. On top of this, MSB allows me to check if I receive bit perfection files or not. I do. 
So I claim that: if your dac receives a bit perfect signal and it is connected via fiber optic, anything prior to the conversion to fiber optic (streamers, switches, their power supplies, cables etc) make absolutely no difference. Your signal can’t be improved by any of these expensive pieces of equipment. 
If anyone can help explain why this is incorrect I would greatly appreciate it. Dac makers mostly agree, makers of streamers have told me scientific things such as “our other customers can hear the difference” (after extensive double blind testing has resulted to no difference being perceived) and my favorite “bit perfect doesn’t exist, when you hear our equipment tou forget about electronics and love the music”!
Congratulations Douglas_schroeder on having the courage to go on record with the facts to back up what we all (who can hear) have known for years. 

Consequently, after conducting my own exploration, I am content to spend less time thinking about ABX, and more time building better audio systems through very active, hands on methods. 

Beautiful. Lotta work to get to where we all knew you should be. But you did it, and you got there. All that counts. May others learn from your experience. Don't hold your breath. But would sure be nice.
If there is a keyboard warrior, that’s you @audio2design
You that keep coming over and over, and over after they banned all your previous fake accounts, AtDavid, Dannad, Roberttid and many more. Get a life dude

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I expect the op is trolling, but even if they are not...

pot stands up on hind feet, calls kettle black... ???