@bob540 & @skrumpymanjack Couldn't agree more.
I know someone who bought a secondhand dac and was, after a third emailed question, told "I haven't made any money from you and I'm going to have to change you for the next one." That asshole response not only cost the manufacturer that person's money for a future upgrade, but also mine. Their dacs cost from $5-12k, so that one email subtracted at least $10,000 from their bank account. It's idiotic and shortsighted.
I know someone who bought a secondhand dac and was, after a third emailed question, told "I haven't made any money from you and I'm going to have to change you for the next one." That asshole response not only cost the manufacturer that person's money for a future upgrade, but also mine. Their dacs cost from $5-12k, so that one email subtracted at least $10,000 from their bank account. It's idiotic and shortsighted.