Need speaker cable

Hello everyone,

I am a regular reader of forum, but it’s my first post. I use odyssey cyclops integrated amp and Maggie 1.7i speakers. So far I have been using a Basic 12 gauge speaker wire. I am looking at buying a speaker cable and my budget is around $500. Please let me know your suggestions.
Another vote for Morrow. I’ve had AQ Bedrock, Nordost Heimdall and Acoustic Zen Sartori speaker cables and to my ears Morrow SP5s bested then both for much less. They were all very good, but value for money goes to Morrow. Second place to Acoustic Zen. 
The latest Morrow cables were dramically upgraded since late spring 2019, rather then use stranded wire like most which create microarching between strands and eddy currents ,well documented ,morrow uses individually coated strands on the sp6 768then Litz twisted and Aaron cotton wrap and a nylon jacket .
Cardas,Kimber, ad Wireworld have proven ,that’s why they don’t use stranded, breakin time is a solid 300 hours. 8 have the sp6 in one of my systems with their ma7 interconnects a very musical 
presentation with a bit of added natural warmth not enemic like many , I would buy them again .
Thanks Everyone for the posts! I ended up trying Raven, AQ (multiple of them) and couple of others and finally ended up buying BEL S12. Found that to be very musical to my ears and gelling well with my system.