Amplifier suggestions please

Hi - I'm reworking a 2 channel system, had some very basic components and now trying to step up a bit.  DAC is currently a Schiit Yggy, I'm on the waiting list for a Freya+ which means I'll be running balanced connections.  Speakers are Philharmonic Audio 3's.  I was using a pair of Emotiva XPA-1L monoblocks (differential/balanced) but want to upgrade.  I could stay in the Schiit catalog and go with a pair of Vidar's but although there are no real bad reviews I feel like they don't quite get raved about like the Yggy does (and the Freya+ to some extent).  I'd like to stay around $2K, definitely under $3K and I prefer new (I've had my fill with trying used).  I know its asking a lot to find a pair of balanced monoblocks in this range so I'm not opposed to a stereo amp (XLR inputs).  I could also be talked into canceling my Freya+ order and switching to a preamp from the amp builder if there is better synergy in that pairing.  I've looked an Van Alstine and Odyssey, what else should I be looking at?

My 2 second analysis of your issues: Forget balanced and mono blocks.
Buy the best Integrated you can afford and find some speakers that you love. Maybe Philharmonic Audio are the best thing since sliced bread .
Do you live anywhere near a HiFi store?  Best of luck!
I am 72, but unlike many old stuck in the past farts, I have enjoyed class D for over a decade. Just like class A, AB, tubes... some sound better than others. You need to be educated, which unfortunately is mostly trial and error

While I liked the PS Audio M700s a lot, my large room demands more power, which I got buying a EVS 1200 ~ 1.4 years ago, a custom tweaked dual mono amp based on IcePower AS1200 modules

That said, Underwood HiFi is supposedly releasing his extremely realistically priced GaN amp, called the Voyager. I would follow up on it before buying anything else
Get a huge power supply, i.e a heavy amp. Seriously.  My old Audire 125 wpc amp has a 500 watt tranny, 4 26,000 mf filter caps, and 6 outputs per channel.  Better Audires use many more ouputs. In comparison, a really good Bryston 200wpc amp of the same era uses 4 outputs/ch,  and 2 4000 mf caps.  Loud bass drops off more on the more powerful amp, but lighter amp.   
Take a look at the  Parasound Halo A23+ ! On Ebay for 1269.00 either silver or black. Not mono blocks but the sound quality is great. Has a replaceable power cord for further fine tuning and of course the option of a fuse upgrade, both for your low price!
Some additional comments. Below is link explaining what I did to Emotiva Gen 3 DR2 amps, which helped but still did not provide super deep strong bass (example of switching power supply):

Moving on, the only time you really want a low gain setting on an amplifier is if you have super extremely efficient speakers (I’m talking 99-100db efficiency, such as something like Tekton Double Impacts). What happens is that these speakers are so damn efficient that the background hiss that is present in all gain circuits is radically amplified and you have this annoying background hiss on whatever you listen to. The fix for this is a low gain setting on your amp.

Since your Phil 3 speakers are actually a rather low 85db efficiency, you want a normal gain amp (even one that tilts towards a higher gain such as 32db gain).