I think it is just that they are uncomfortable or disinterested (many of them) with the technology complexity and demo areas. Some of the high end rooms look like physics labs. Less women go into STEM. If you told an audiophile demographic survey, it would probably lean more towards science/engineering/technology/math types or mechanically inclined guys that like to fix things. BTW, it also holds true for video. My wife doesn't even know (or probably care) if a channel she is watching is HD or not. But she likes music, but is scared to touch anything on the stereo except the volume knob. Never has made it louder....
I bet more women are into cars than stereos. Now, they may not be into high performance cars always, but they seem to have pretty strong opinions and know what they like. BTW, many HATE high performance cars.
I bet more women are into cars than stereos. Now, they may not be into high performance cars always, but they seem to have pretty strong opinions and know what they like. BTW, many HATE high performance cars.