I was literally minutes from purchasing the Special 40's...

...when Shaun on YouTube brought out the MoFi LS3/5a's, I did some research, and now I'm torn. This midrange sound is what I've been seeking ever since I heard a pair of Proac SC1's back in the day. Would I get more of that midrange magic/reality from a LS3/5a ?... and if that's the right choice, should I spend the $3000 on a Gold Badge Falcon?
I amend my previous comments. Look for a used pair of the Harbeth P3ESR's at about half-price! This represents a good value in today's currency!
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Harbeth P3ESR are 6 ohm speakers while the Falcons and Rogers are 15 ohm.  These are made for totally different amplification.  The Falcons and Rogers will sound fantastic through a Leben CS-300 for example while the Harbeths - ummmm not so much.  
@hailtothevictorz While you are waiting for Captain Khaki to get get the boot from The Big House, also wait for a forthcoming video from Shaun where he is putting the MoFi Falcons against the Gold Badge Falcons and the Harbeth ESR's.
Before pulling the trigger, I suggest you check the review and comparison w harbeth p3sr of sound artist ls3/5a at 600 dlrs from China at zero fidelity https://youtu.be/XMPnTmEZaZw ,
plus another review coming shortly that will compare them to the Rogers, I have the SA since a month and I am very happy, using them for desktop also.