Men and women (exceptions from the norm excepted) have different hearing.
Men lose more of their hearing with age than women do. (I am amazed at the golden ears some of us still claim to have when we are over 40...).
Men lose higher frequencies first, but women lose lower frequencies first. If we want to share our hobby with our female partners and friends, we need to invest a bit less in subs, and a bit more in midrange quality.
And maybe find some music which also appeals to the middle range frequencies of hearing. Any suggestions?
Men lose more of their hearing with age than women do. (I am amazed at the golden ears some of us still claim to have when we are over 40...).
Men lose higher frequencies first, but women lose lower frequencies first. If we want to share our hobby with our female partners and friends, we need to invest a bit less in subs, and a bit more in midrange quality.
And maybe find some music which also appeals to the middle range frequencies of hearing. Any suggestions?