Speaker design, KenjiT and others.

After following these threads for a long time the common theme seems to be that there is no perfect speaker to reproduce sound. What I find a bit ironic in these discussions is that so much sound that we hear comes from speakers. For example pretty much any electronic sound you have heard before has come from a speaker of some kind. Pretty much any live show you have been to has either been supplemented by or sent to you via speakers. So what is this elusive experience that KenjiT claims may or may not exist?
Is it also like this? Most of what we see today is not driven by the sun but by light bulbs or a light emitting device. Yes there is really bad lighting in some places but when lighting is excellent are we really that  troubled by it not being like the sun?
Some religions would have it that "only God is perfect." The Japanese would say that something should have "Wabi Sabi" ie: nothing is perfect, the flaw in any made object ( or system ) sets its place in time and the universe. We should embrace any perceived minor "imperfection" in our systems and just listen to the music.

intersting that you just defined “wabl sabi”... I’ve been listening lately to an artist that goes by that and had no idea what it meant
A friend from Portland recently went to Mike L's house to listen to his system. Said it was excellent as one would expect and more than simply the sum of its parts.