Using speaker cable as jumpers

Hello, everyone
I'm kind of new in this forums, and I guess I will ask something already spoken here a couple of years ago.
I have a pair of Martin Logan's Ascent bought 2nd hand but the jumpers they "bring are 2 pieces of thick copper (pretty much oxidated). I'm wondering if I can/should replace them by Kimber 8TC (which are the cables I'm using with them).

Any suggestions / opinions will be pretty much apreciated.

Why not just polish the copper jumpers you have now? The speakers were voiced with those jumpers and they are inserted at the crossover point.
Thank you all for the advise.

I'll try both cleaning the copper wire and also w/ the Kimber.

Also, I might try silver connections as I have a friend who works with jewelry, so ,it might be easy and cheap.

I'll let you all know the results.

Take care

Best regards
If you plan on keeping the Martin Logans, why not reterminate the Kimber to biwire configuration? Easy to do.
From my experience, silver is the best choice. I have made some comparisons between the original jumper with my speakers, the copper Nordost and 4 pcs of military silver plated jumpers. Only the silver can deliver a detailed treble
"Only the silver can deliver a detailed treble"

When everything else is copper?