Why few discussion on Audio Machina CRM, CRG, CRS?

Hi guys,
I am interested in these speakers but there are not much discussion on them. What are your comments on these?
What did you compare them with?

One year at THE Show (CES) Karl showed next door to us. If I recall right, the manufacturer he was to show with was unable to make it at the last minute, but as luck would have it we had a spare set of M-60s on hand so we lent them to him.

The speaker was very impressive and the M-60 drove them quite well. Karl does very well with his designs overseas but they are not so well known here, which is a pity since the speaker is really quite good!
Glad to hear from Atmasphere about his impression on Karl's speakers. Most of Karl's designs are quite easy to drive as he uses truly simple (does not mean it's not sophisticated) first order crossovers.

The CRM are amazing for their size. I just tried them out the other day and was extremely impressed. Huge soundstage, excellent tonal balance. They honestly sounded better than the Magico Mini II I had in the same room. I have not tried the Q1, but the CRM are really very special.
Excuse me if I'm wrong, but are these the same people who sell magic pebbles, teleportation tweeks and other complete BS?
No - that is Geoff Kait's Machina Dynamica.


Karl is the real deal. I've not heard his latest speakers but I was most impressed with his old Ultimate Monitor with the BOMB bass extension module many CESs ago.

I'd love to hear some of his latest creations.

A pair of brand new CRM was delivered yesterday. 24 hours have passed since I started the break-in with old NAIM NAIT3 and CD3 staff. They are, as you may know, the lowest ends of NAIM product line. CRM sounds so perfect even with $1,600 premain amp. I cannot imagine how the sound improves after 200 hours break-in done.
ShinjiShinji7, Tokyo