CD player in the $2,500 to $5,000 range

I sold my old system (Bryston, MG 3.6r, Oracle Delphi, Parasound CD player) and have been working on putting together a simpler and smaller system. With advice from others on Audiogon, I bought a lovely pair of Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors, and a Cary SLI-80 Signature. Now I need to pick a CD player.

I listen to primarily piano music, opera, and chamber music (plus a smattering of jazz, from time-to-time). I don't give a darn about the "hi-fi experience." Grain free, no fatigue, timber accuracy, is what I value.

I'm thinking:

Ayre CX-7e
Meridian G08
Marantz SA 11s1

Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Wadia 860 or an 861. It's right in your price range.
Find an 860 and send it to Steve Huntley at The Great Northern Sound Company and let him update it with his reference modification.
You won't regret it!
Blackest background and lowest noise floor of anything that I have ever heard.
Plus, you can run it directly into your amp, and by-pass a preamp if you don't need one.
APL 3910 for a stretch, or a Modwright DVP 9000ES with the BON MOD. Yes, I own both, and have owned over 35 sources in the past 2 years. These are my personnal favorite.
I owned the Resolution Audio and the Ayre. What made me leave both behind was an Exemplar 2900 I bought from the previous poster- 711Smilin (Steve).

What a great source. I know Steve likes the APL better, but Exemplar is no slouch. The 2900's pop up here from time to time for around $1700.

Have fun searchin'!
THANK YOU EVERYONE. I live in an area where there are no real high-end dealers, so I have little chance to audition anything. I must rely on the advice and recommendations I get on Audiogon or from TAS etc (or take long road trips, which never seem to happen). The Apl 3910 and the Resolution Audio units were not previously known to me. They sound like great units for much less money than I was prepared to spend. Ain't Audiogon great! MMC
Audition a Linn Ikemi as well as an Esoteric DV 50 (a universal player). The Esoteric is a little out of your price range new, but on demo it should fall below 5k. Very different sounds, both excellent players. I love the Ikemi on redbook, and the sound you are describing as your preference is exactly what it delivers. The Esoteric on SACD is nothing short of awesome and its redbook is also excellent (very detailed, if that is to your liking, though not as smooth as the Ikemi). If you have either of these dealers in your area, be sure you go listen (given your preferences, especially to the Ikemi) before you buy anything else.