Turn Table Decision

I bought my first TT in 1979 while a freshman in high school -.a Dual CS508 ULM, and I still have it, currently with an inexpensive Audio Technica cartridge, I was using it until very recently, when I received in a trade a Marantz 6200 with a Shure v15 type IV cartridge. The problem is the Marantz has a hum. Both channels, volume-dependent. I reconnected the Dual and there is no hum, so I am pretty sure it is the Marantz. I played around with my multimeter, and I cannot find anything obvious. 

So my question is: Do I spend $100-$200 (guessing) to fix the Marantz, or do I just stick with the Dual (or do I suck it up and buy a better TT)?

The rest of the system, if it helps: Acoustic Research AR3a speakers; Audio Research M100 tube monoblocks; JENA Labs interconnects; conrad-johnson PV12 tube preamp with phono stage; and a McIntosh MR67 tube tuner.

Most likely a ground issue on the 6200. Check the tonearm ground and ensure the phono ground wire is connected to the preamp ground. 
@ bkrpdx
Shure cartridges have a ground tab on the right channel. If the tab is on the cartridge it should be removed. These are the instructions from the Shure website. Give it a shot!

CONNECTIONS (see Figure 1): R~ght "hot" lead (usually red) to "R," rlght ground (usually green) to RG " Left "hot" lead (usually white) to "L," left ground (usually blue) to "LG " If metal head IS causing ground loop hum, remove the ground tab The metallic cartrldge shleld is disconnected from the right channel ground by the removal of the ground tab