How far off are wireless audiophile speakers?

Just curious. I know many wireless speakers exist, some with excellent sound. But, do you think we'll see a day where you can ditch speaker wires?
Didn't Steinway market a very expensive system a few years back that had amp and pre, CD player built into the speakers?
I like the outlaw OAW wireless system since it connects to anything. It does sound somewhat less detailed.

It's not exactly what the OP asked, but since it's related:
in a more limited domain, audiophile wireless music is easy --- stream control rather than data, since this guarantees 100% fidelity (funny enough, sending control rather than data is what google does to (in part) scale jobs to thousands of machines controlled by a single master).

If you have your music ripped (e.g., to a lossless format) stick your collection on an old laptop or an eee box, connect this via a good DAC to your system and install a music server that allows you to connect remotely and tell it what to do. You can then control everything wirelessly but retain complete fidelity since the data goes over wires.

I've been reasonably happy using the ubuntu 10.04 linux distribution and the MPD music server. The cool thing about MPD is that there are over 30 free clients for it, so you can control it from essentially any device (linux, windows, ipad, android phone, ...) for free. It's nice to sit in bed and control what music is playing on three floors by pushing a button.
not far at all imho. judging from the outstanding sound already available via wifi streaming, i'd say fairly soon. i think some folks need to give certain SOTA wireless set-ups a listen before they write off wireless as a whole. there is still some work to do but it's getting there.
Not going to happen until wireless power (which can be done with microwaves) is practical. The audio signal itself is no problem (as we see today with high data-rate audio over WiFi ) its getting the amplification (power) wireless that is real trick.