Sansui made amazing tuners. The one in my 9090DB is outstanding. So is the one in my marantz 24 tuner/preamp, which I believe was built to compete with the excellent tuner sections of the McIntosh MX112 and 113 tuner/preamps.
Old FM Tuners....O.K., Great or Folklore...
belyin ... In general, do tube tuners suffer from HD interference or is it very much case by case?Pretty much all FM tuners are vulnerable to sideband noise caused by so-called "HD Radio." The more selective the tuner, the more resistant to the noise it will be. I refer to HD Radio as "so-called" because - as we know - HD radio isn’t "high definition." Not even close. It’s digital, though, so it’s quiet. |
I had a solid state Magnum Dynalab and got rid of it after I purchased a really nice HH Scott 350 A tube tuner. I replaced the tubes in the multiplex with government issue, new old stock Telefunkens and that made a gigantic improvement in clarity and musicality. I need to have the multiplex aligned with a multiplex generator but no one near me has one, so I listen to it in mono. My other radio is a 1957 Zenith Trans Oceanic short wave radio which I cherish but it needs an alignment too. |