A sad day for anyone who loved Berlin and flew into it’s airport(Tegel) in last 60 years . Very sad for me as I did at least a hundred times (sob) . Just cuting onions.
New one (BER) Willy Brant is 18 kilometers SE from city center, Tegel was 5 north .
If Americans ever get the green light to fly to Germany again in my lifetime I will be there if its the last thing I ever do. On Lufthansa 747 out of Chicago ! In First Class !!
New one (BER) Willy Brant is 18 kilometers SE from city center, Tegel was 5 north .
If Americans ever get the green light to fly to Germany again in my lifetime I will be there if its the last thing I ever do. On Lufthansa 747 out of Chicago ! In First Class !!