Looking for a phono stage with pleasing coloration

I have recently completely overhauled my analog front end. I have gone from a Marantz TTS TT-15S1 with a Clearaudio Charisma to a Rega Planar 8 with a Soundsmith Paua II cartridge. There have been definite improvements; improvements in dynamics, resolution, and spatial separation.  Phono stage is currently a Tavish Adagio running into a Prima Luna Evo 300 preamp and Parasound JC 5 amp; speakers are Monitor Audio PL 100 II. I’m overall pleased with the system but I find it a little too modern sounding; instrument separation, and mid and low bass are a tad too tight and disciplined. While the Paua generally outclasses the Charisma; I preferred the tonality of the Charisma. Maybe it’s because the Charisma has a wooden body but it has more of a warmth and vintage coloration to its tonality that I like.

I would like to make change to Phono stage to address these issues, so looking for recommendations on a phono stage that has a bit more of a vintage coloration, body, warmth, slightly looser bass and low noise floor and retains good top end extension. I currently have the PS Audio Stellar phono on order for a home trial but every review I have read has praised it for its neutrality but what I really want is added coloration that I find pleasing.  I guess I can try tube rolling the Adagio but I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of trying to find low microphonic NOS tubes. Finally I want to stay under $3K and I’m open to vintage phono preamps (but I don’t want to sacrifice dynamics and sound stage).

Ag insider logo xs@2xarize84
Uh, the world where you have to find stuff in order to buy it? No? How about the world where 20 year old components sell for a fraction of what they cost new? Still no? How about the world where insulting smart alecks with nothing positive to contribute get cut off and ignored permanently?

Sorry. That last one was not really a question. As you will now experience.

Hope it was worth it to you.
Good idea. But note the Decware SUT uses infinitely adjustable loading - on the fly - simply turn the knob.

Not correct.
With a SUT the loading is determined by the gain of the SUT and the phono input impedance.
The highest load the Decaware SUT can provide is 470ohms from their 1:10 transformer, assuming a standard 47k phono input.
The Paua requires 470-1000 ohms to find the optimum.
SUT's also have phase issues but thats another story.

The EAR 834 is unsuitable for the same reasons I outlined above - the ability to adjust load 470-1000 ohms with high gain.
Reading the threats of being cut off and permanently ignored by MC are what keep me coming back to this site. I love how we all create our own intrinsic value we present to the world.  lol