Guys, this is a great post! I have Tannoy Canterbury SE's, using aDecware Zen Torii Mk III, 26 wpc, AVA Transcendance 8+ preamp.The tone and detail are magical! I do love power music though, andat 96db efficiency you would think they would perform well in my rather large living room...About 5 years ago I was concerned that maybe the government was going to render tubes too expensive if available at all... I talked to Klaus at Odyssey Audio about a Stratos amp and he said he could bias it intube fashion so I ordered it. He warned me it would take a long time to break in and he was right. With the Ayre break-in cd I would try it every week and hated it! Finally it came to sound like a dance club, and two weeks later it showed me the finesse that I require. 6 months! If I had more patience I probably could have tamed it in 6 weeks...Now Beethoven's Ninth, Tool, TranSiberian Orchestra and Nightwish
come through perfectly, 140 wpc.
come through perfectly, 140 wpc.