Liquid CD treatments?

I can almost listen to cd's w/o wishing I had a clean vinyl copy playing. Still fighting some glare or edge off and on especially female vocals. Do any of the liquid treatments actually help or is it more you know what?
Thanks, Ed
Another vote for Shine Ola. I have a new complete Auric Illuminator kit if anyone wants to save a little money.
May be a bit out! but a Bedini quadri clarifier will do exactly what you need: no more glare and edge sound.
I've used the old blue liquid Auric Illuminator with excellent results going back about 4 years. Just curious...the references to clouding were with the old stuff or the new, clear liquid? The Auric protocol of blackening the inside and outside ring of the CD also was very helpful. Before A/I, I tried Optrix and a half dozen other products with mediocre results.
Nickb - I am using the new clear liquid that I experienced the clouding with.
As always there is no consensus on this. My ranking is: 1) RealityCheck Cleardisk and Clearbit; 2) AudioTop Digital; 3) Ultra Vivid from Walker. I have tried quite a few more, but they are not as good. Cleaners definitely make a big difference.