Best DAC

Hey community,

Current system:
Threshold S500
Magneplanar 1.6

I love the tube sound of the SP-6, and think it pairs great with the power/clarity of the S500 and 1.6 speakers.  Currently using the DACMagic to play audio from my computer, and I believe it may be the limiting factor in my system.  What DACs would be a significant upgrade?  What’s the best at the moment?

I’m comfortable spending up to $2-3k for a significant improvement.  Let me know if higher/lower priced DACs would be more suitable.

I appreciate your insight.
@jjss49 makes solid points that seem spot on as usual, although I’m not sure what the current status of Metrum is as last time I heard they were in flux (I for one hope they come back strong with Cees aboard again).  Anyway, it would be most helpful if you could share what improvements you’d like to achieve and what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you.  My bad for suggesting a DAC without this critical info.  
@jjss49 @audiotroy @so
I have the new MacBook on the way with thunderbolt/usb 4.0, and I’m having difficulty finding cleaners.  Most of them seem to be the old USB.  I was thinking the solid state drive would cut down on any noise being introduced into the system.  I believe I will have to use a thunderbolt to USB dongle to connect most DACs.  Let me know if you have any further insight.

@jjss49 @soix 
I was thinking that the DACs sole purpose should be to unpack the digital file into an analog signal, and be as transparent as possible.  The DAC should bring out all the minor details in the music, create air/space, separation, etc, and the preamp/amp are the only components really coloring the music.  Let me know if this is incorrect, or if I should look at things differently.

I have a large music library on my drive that won’t need to be streamed.  It was either downloaded or ripped from CDs.  It does vary from lower quality, up to WAV.  I think my system now does a great job of playing the WAV files beautifully, while also letting the lower quality songs still be enjoyable (I think that may be attributable to the sp-6).  This is important to me.  Ideally, the DAC can bring out whatever details/separation/space may be in the lower quality files.  I may upgrade to Tidal HiFi to expand the library easily, and start streaming more music in higher quality.

Unfortunately, I am maxed out on space at the moment, so an upgrade in speaker size will
have to hold off.  I do love the 1.6 Maggies though, and Maggies in general.  I listen to a pair of tympani’s often.  Also, the threshold has been recapped.  Are you saying that in some cases, a high end DAC may render the preamp useless?

The Holoaudio DACs are looking like great options.  I see the May won the 2020 stereophile award, though they used a $5k version.

to answer you

1) i am not a computer streaming expert (i use a dedicated streamer) but as i understand it it is the whole computer that generates electrical noise, not just the drive ... the computer has many elements that are not optimized for noise suppression in conveying data through its usb output for hifi music (you may want to search youtube for john darko videos on streamers and computers, he is easy to understand yet also complete with his explanations)

2) yes any dac translates conveyed bits back into an analog signal fed into the arc tube preamp, yet all dacs do so with a certain ’voice’ and ’tonality’ - just like a phono cartridge does with the grooves cut into a record ... your tube preamp does add some warmth to the signal fed to it, but only to a degree... if the signal fed into it is too lean, treble centric, ’digital’ sounding, it still won’t sound too good coming out of the preamp with its mild, flattering coloration ... the trick is to find right balance - the job of a dac is not just to ’dredge out detail’, it is to make the bits sound like real music again

of course this depends so much on one’s taste... some listeners are detail freaks who like a ’hyper-real’ sound, some value natural tonality as one would hear in a live unamplified voice/guitar or jazz or string quartet performance... there is detail but it is conveyed within a context of warmth, dimensionality, wholeness, naturalness of tone

good luck have fun
@mr_sacrimoni, Yes, depending on your other sources (if any) and the DAC, you might not need or want a preamp. Often times with DAC’s the volume control whether on the DAC or preamp acts more like a brake than an accelerator. Many modern DAC’s have an output voltage of about 2.1 Volts. Your Threshold S500 has an input sensitivity for full output at a hair above 2.1 Volts. Many modern DAC’s have their own volume controls. Many modern DAC’s have 32 bits available. Most hi Rez digital media is capped at 24 bits. These high bit DAC’s attenuate at about 12 dB per bit. So there are plenty of extra bits available to control volume with little concern for bit stripping. Running such a DAC straight into your Threshold S500 will avoid the unnecessary additional gain stage, additional volume control, and interconnects of and for the preamp allowing for a much purer signal path.
The sale of your preamp might go towards funding your new DAC.