Audiophile demographics?

Why are there a disproportional number of male audiophiles?
Not sure if this is a silly question, but speaking for myself, I have never met a female audiophile.
I am sure they exist, but their scarcity begs the question as to why.
Is it merely that men have more of the "mine is bigger than yours" mentality, do men love gadgets and tools or is it something more sinister?
A hobby like hifi can be a good way to show off technical knowledge. 
Peacock strutting definitely is a guy thing.
Women are smarter and more practical.  At least the good ones are, and if they love you they let you indulge in your hobby!  Just got my new B&W 802D3’s...waiting for new cables and amp 😊
@dave_b - are you trolling for a date? Why do you say something so general demographically? Maybe that's your experience or in your family, or whatever. Then you compound the comment by saying the "better" ones are smarter! As they say say on ESPN, "Come on man"! The women that are book smarter or have more common sense aren't better women. There are lots of other attributes to consider, and it is very subjective.

Women are less inclined to go into STEM - that doesn't make them dumber or men smarter, and some women live to shop for frivolous things (like their equivalences of stereo equipment) and others are very careful with what they spend and in making decisions in general.

@tk21 - you have never seen a woman strut? What planet are you on?

There are more smart women, based on percentage over 100 IQ than men. On the other hand, there are far more very smart men based on IQ.  Men are far more likely to suffer from personality disorders.  Men are more gullible.  Men are more likely to overestimate their abilities. The gullible nature and the tendency to overestimate abilities often go hand in hand.  Women tend to be more conformist and work to fit in. Men tend to want to stand out. 

These are all verifiable from scientific evidence.  These traits are all statistical, and can only be used to describe groups as a whole, not individuals.

Draw your own conclusions on how these relate to audiophiles.
This can be a really divisive subject. Political too.

I remember when I used to play competitive chess, someone would ask why aren't there more women GMs and why isn't there a woman world champion? etc.

Some still do.

It seems to bother a few journalists that the top 100, maybe even top 1000 chess geeks are mostly comprised of men. It all got so thorny that FIDE had to ensure there are now 2 different world championships, the women's world championship, and the open world championship.

Once again, you might want to ask, why can't we be different? Why is there this need for some to want to homogenise clear biological differences?

Thankfully this lunacy doesn't yet extend to combat sports or track and field.

I've nothing against encouraging more women to participate in this mainly male hobby. Their company would surely be welcomed, especially to ease the pressure cooker intensity at some of these testosterone fuelled audio shows.

However in my experience hardly any of them have shown much interest. To push further usually just means digging a bigger hole.

Even the ones who do go, often reluctant wives and girlfriends, seem to act as if they wished they were somewhere else.

How strange? It's almost as if they were somehow different, and had different interests.