Rok,.Never thought of logistic as hardest workers.Come to think of it my Transport Plt. had to be at dock by 4AM whilst the
105 shells for the 4id were loaded as we ate breakfast at a table on the dock.
Then my 8 deuce and 1/2’s had to go up from seal level to their base at 3, 500 ft on a steep dirt road , 300 miles up and back getting back to our
base around 8 PM . 7 days a week with the odd shot to deal with.
The Transport Lt. with the jeep and ONLY radio didn’t show up most days .
105 shells for the 4id were loaded as we ate breakfast at a table on the dock.
Then my 8 deuce and 1/2’s had to go up from seal level to their base at 3, 500 ft on a steep dirt road , 300 miles up and back getting back to our
base around 8 PM . 7 days a week with the odd shot to deal with.
The Transport Lt. with the jeep and ONLY radio didn’t show up most days .