Rel sub cable options

I want to upgrade the neutrik cable on my Rel Storm III. Has anyone compared the Kimber Kable and Rel Blue cables? The Rel is almost twice as much (but also twice as long).
@wolf_garcia , it was a complicated math problem and took years of a/b research.  Then to quantify the value, sheesh.  I’m surprised it didn’t take longer.

@kbuech , Frank is awesome to work with and makes nice cables.  You ought to give them a try.  
Thanks for that, @b_limo , that’s just what I needed to hear. I was leaning toward having them both at home and comparing the two and you nudged me all the way :-)
I will post my impressions here once I have a chance to listen to them both.
I have REL cables made by Signal and also by Audio Art. Both less expensive than the bassline blue. I use them in different systems. Haven’t had chance to compare. The AA cost about double the Signal but use better connector and wire seems higher quality but I like both

Re: Analysis Plus REL cables vs. Signal Audio REL Speakon cables. 

After hours of auditioning each set of cables, giving them each at least 100 hours of break in time on my pair of REL S/510s, I returned The Analysis Plus REL cables that I purchased on a 30-day trial from The Cable Company. Frank’s Signal Audio REL cables are just better in every way. Deeper and yet more articulate bass, more three-dimensional space to the soundstage, and all the stuff that REL subwoofers are known for.

As they say, your mileage may vary, but I am a big fan of the Signal Audio REL Speakon Cables and give them my highest recommendation!

Signal...I have the Analysis plus one as well, but prefer the Signal cable.