Acoustic Revive RR-77, 777, 888 Schumann Generator

Love to hear from anyone about their experience with these devices.  Long story short, I have an RR-77 in my room.  Bought it off Audiogon about ten years ago.  Every once in a while I look at it and think to myself "stooopid".  So I turn it off... then back on... then off... then back on.  Then I leave it on because what it does is wild.  And it does wildly good things to the sound in the room. I have it positioned above 5', and off to the side in the room.  It's like an ECU tune on your already high performance engine.  It's like buying a chocolate from a storefront in Brugge, rather than a Godiva from your local mall.  

I've read the threads.  Looked over posts and reviews on the interwebs.  It works and anyone who says it's snake oil... whatevs.

Anyone ever compare iterations of this device?  77 vs. 777 vs. 888?  Any discernible improvements?

I have not delved into any other AR devices.  Anything particularly noteworthy?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsumadoggie
Denverfred if you put a piece of shungite on the caps of the S.G. or a piece of quartz, you will feel that the audible effect would be more compressed with the shungite and with more air and refine highs with the quartz, this experiment eliminate the subjective placebo feeling or the physiological only effect....

Shungite will always compress the sound relatively to quartz and quartz will always put some air relatively to shungite or tourmaline will decompress the sound but not like quartz, in his own distinctive way anywhere you will put it anyway... The relative compression or the decompression are not always negative or positive in itself.... The negative or positive effect will be relative to the state of your audio system in your house and room....Then it is very important to balance one effect with another to compensate for a negative direction by one or the other.... Listening experiments dictate to me the way.... It is very simple anyway even if it appear complicate, it is not at all.... Ears will guide you without any irreversible error....

My "golden plate" are made with a shungite plate+copper tape on external side .... I put a small shungite plate+ copper tape on the S.G. caps with an herkimer diamond ( powerful kind of quartz) precisely to BALANCE these 2 effects one with another for a more naturalness of the timbre.....Sometimes i use tourmaline instead of Herkimer....

My grid of eleven S.G. is linked by cable to my resonators grids....This is my main ACTIVE but non computerized acoustical controls....The effects are not small with these 2 grids.... They completely transform the room acoustic....More than only refective, absorbent materials or diffusive passive devices....That i use also for sure....

Acoustic of small room is more than meet the eyes....😊

In history acoustical creation of listening hall is very old......Greek theater for example, or medieval monastery....But for small audio room the rules are a bit more complex, especially with a varied content and with an irregular topology and irregular geometry....

My best to you....
Thanks for the thread and responses ya'll. I have a FEQ and have liked it. Glad to read this thread. I ordered two of the cheapies.
With more listening, the effect of these things really is amazing. There's a sense of realism that is in some ways very similar to a lot of other things. Some of which I am unfortunately not yet free to tell anyone about. In terms of what I can though these Schumann cards are similar to HFT or ECT, but more liquid like Green Dream PHT, yet more palpably 3D than any of them.

As for how it works, its EM not acoustic. By all normal understanding the last thing you would want to do is add some EMI or RFI, which these do both. The EM is the intended low frequency Schumann wave. But each board also has IC chips so there's the inevitable EMI and RFI from that. All of which on paper is no good. Yet it sounds better. A lot better. No doubt about it.  

Incidentally, the great majority of what's out there talks about this as if its one precise frequency. Which it most certainly is not. Realize what we are talking about here is a resonance created by the dimensions of the Earth, its atmosphere and magnetic fields. Essentially what happens is electric discharges from things like lightning are trapped travel around this layer, going round and round as they dissipate over time. Its exactly like hitting a bell causing it to ring. Well, the bell has a fundamental resonance but it also has a lot of overtones, harmonics, a whole series of frequencies at which it oscillates.  

The same is true here and what makes it especially fascinating is when you look at brain wave patterns they all fall within the same range as these Schumann resonances.

There are even research papers documenting improved blood pressure and other benefits, in line with a big selling point being improved sleep, etc. (Put one by the bed at night, why not? Jury's still out on that one.) 

This is to address the point that it improves sound by improving mood, or something to that effect. In that case then it should improve hearing of all sounds. Well, the sound is really only different with music. I don't notice any difference in sound in my bedroom, or in my listening room, other than when playing music.

Therefore it seems to me the effect is on the electronics. The system electronics. This actually is in agreement with Ted saying it works better with his UEF technology. Which just because its good marketing doesn't mean it can't also be true.

Would be real interesting to compare this with FEQ. I suspect what Ted has done is take the basic tech and tweak to get more out of it. Whatever "it" may be!

Since you were so right about this the first time, today I ordered Shungite plates and Herkimer crystals for my SG's

As for how it works, its EM not acoustic.
I think it is the 2, the EM field modify the acoustical setting of the room and not only the physiology of perception...But your remark about the brain waves and the range of resonance of the S.G. seems very truthful to me and a relatively recognized fact...But it is not only like i said that the S.G. are affecting the human physiology but the room acoustic also because if you put on the S. G. a shungite plate or a quartz the effect are very different....And these changes are not pick by the brain directly but through the acoustical changed properties of the room....Then the S. G. change the physiology of perception but the acoustical space also....

Keep in mind that mine work in an interconneted grid with very thin copper cable, connected also to a varied grid of resonators of different size and different materials on the main caps, these materials (shungite and quartz or tourmaline) modify the audible effect in opposite direction, for example, amongst other effects, compressive or decompressive action with a positive or a negative impact...Balancing shungite and quartz gives the best timbre perception....

the modified and interconnected S.G. then does not change only imaging and soundstage but also timbre perception.... And timbre is not undertood in term only of pure frequencies but with other factors linked to the acoustical setttings of the room ( the spectral enveloppe  but also the time enveloppe)....

The general impact of my grids is so great that there is absolutely no relation between my audio system S.Q. before and after....