With the Holidays, what are your favorite films for the season?.........

My, and my families, favorite is "Holiday Inn".   It is the film that introduced so many songs and has Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby.  The "made for money" remake of "White Christmas" was simply to capitalize on the popularity of the song to make more money....not a bad film, but "Holiday Inn" has the class that the remake does not.
What are some of your families favorite holiday movies?  My children loved the two original Home Alone films.  Fun, but not the musical history and "class" that Holiday Inn is. 

You may know of a motel chain that picked up on the name, "Holiday Inn".

Yes, P.T.&A. is such fun.  That is the wonderful thing about "Holiday Inn" it is in celebration of many holidays....including Thanksgiving, the 4th and more.  Every person on this site that has not seen the original B&W film "Holiday Inn" is denying themselves the pleasure and knowledge that film offers and teaches.

If I could only have 5 DVDs to watch on that "desert island", Holiday Inn would be one of them....and no "Debbie does Peoria" would not be one of them.  (sorry, I should not do that, I have found that humor either does not work for some, or more painfully it is not recognized as such,...damn)
Well, I guess I got my answer...since there is "one, and only one" the other suggestions should be thrown out. 

A Christmas Carol -1951 black and white version
Scrooged with BM
NL Christmas Vacation 
1951 “Scrooge” with Alastair Sim
in the lead role.  And let’s not forget “Its a Wonderful Life.”
Two film classics with a universal message for all.
Merry Christmas to all....