Looking for a phono stage with pleasing coloration

I have recently completely overhauled my analog front end. I have gone from a Marantz TTS TT-15S1 with a Clearaudio Charisma to a Rega Planar 8 with a Soundsmith Paua II cartridge. There have been definite improvements; improvements in dynamics, resolution, and spatial separation.  Phono stage is currently a Tavish Adagio running into a Prima Luna Evo 300 preamp and Parasound JC 5 amp; speakers are Monitor Audio PL 100 II. I’m overall pleased with the system but I find it a little too modern sounding; instrument separation, and mid and low bass are a tad too tight and disciplined. While the Paua generally outclasses the Charisma; I preferred the tonality of the Charisma. Maybe it’s because the Charisma has a wooden body but it has more of a warmth and vintage coloration to its tonality that I like.

I would like to make change to Phono stage to address these issues, so looking for recommendations on a phono stage that has a bit more of a vintage coloration, body, warmth, slightly looser bass and low noise floor and retains good top end extension. I currently have the PS Audio Stellar phono on order for a home trial but every review I have read has praised it for its neutrality but what I really want is added coloration that I find pleasing.  I guess I can try tube rolling the Adagio but I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of trying to find low microphonic NOS tubes. Finally I want to stay under $3K and I’m open to vintage phono preamps (but I don’t want to sacrifice dynamics and sound stage).

@arize84, roll in some shuguang 12A_7 TG types...very musical sounding tube and none of the analytical qualities.
@dover The PS Audio came and I have been listening to it for a few hours. From out of the box it was better than the Adagio.
  • It has a more muscular presentation and I'm getting more punch out of the cartridge
  • Using higher loading options(750 ohms); I got real benefits in the higher frequencies and upper mid range
  • What surprised me the most was in the increase in sound stage depth (both front and back).
  • It is also much quieter than the adagio
  • Finally build quality is really nice and very aesthetically pleasing

I also forgot to mention that I have only had the Paua for 2 weeks and I guess it is still breaking in; it now sounds a touch more lush than a couple of days ago.
That sounds very promising. Looks like if you just let everything settle in you are on the way. I would suggest just enjoy, and have another look at fine tuning with loading  once everything is run in in a couple of weeks.
Hagerman Trumpet MC is your guy. Beautiful warm open sound quality without going too overboard. In my system it competes with the $14K VAC Renaissance SE in musicality where nothing else can. And it only costs $1K new. It also has excellent loading and gain options - with all loading settings equally available at all gain levels. 
To the OP: The discontinued Sutherland PhD. It was the best sounding preamp I ever had and was the perfect combination of solid state  speed/punch and vacuum tube depth/realism. The only piece of gear I regret selling.