Well I've had the good fortune of being with the same partner for 46 years this Feb. It was how we met. MUSIC! She lived with her buddies in a condo next to my mothers. I'd visit there would be this great music..
At my mothers urging (she loved to dance) go see whos got the music going.. I did and well MUSIC, dancing and have a good time was the one common thing we shared. As different as night and day, yes we were and still are..
BUT when it comes to music, she loves beautiful things, how it looks, how it sounds. She will get up and move your speakers. I've seen it..
She learned the triangle, she can really position for her listening QUICK.. LOL I got to watch her.. She use to move speakers in "The big stores"
Tugging and pushing 350 - 400 lb speakers, poor sales staff having heart failure. I always said, mind your manners, that purse, is full of money and a gun.... She's pretty quick with both.... Of course I was kidding. There was no money.. :-) I carried a check book, just like her.
Music and Dancing, what else is there... My Hat on the floor... I slowly walk around the hat to the beat of the music, my faithful pup follows me...
The Missus, keep the beat with her castanets, and the taps on one of her favorite dancing shoes... She is a vision of pure beauty, after close to 7 decades of refinement... She makes my heart beat fast to this day...
Olay.. Tap Tap.. Samba..
Regards, fine people...