Why is there no love for Prima Luna?

I have noticed fairly negative comments on Prima Luna in various discussions. Granted, I’ve never heard their gear but they seem to offer quite a value proposition. Point to point wiring, auto bias, protection circuits, easy tube rolling, good parts and build quality. I had considered looking into the Evo series integrated but the brand seems to be downplayed on this forum. Anyone have direct experience as to why?
" most people seem pretty happy with their Prima Luna gear. Seems to be well made and supported by the US distributor ..... Prima Luna is made in direct partnership with the Chinese government. "

Hmmm Prima Luna was formed by Kevin Deal (Upscale Audio) & Herman v an den Dungen of Durob Audio (Netherlands) in 2000.

Dear friend I have the old premium dialogue preamplifier and the dialogue HP premium amplifier that I use with Magneplanar mg IIIA. After tube rolling with KT150 I can say that never in my long life I have listen with the greatest plesure. So I acquired the dialogue premium integrated for my quad Z1 and I roll the for valve, always with KT 150 (great valves after 100-200 hour of burn in). Magnificent result. So my brother bought the dialogue premium HP for his old BMW  after drived them with a lot of SS and tube ampiliers. He said that this one will be his last amplifier. Great! Trust me. 
Dear friend I have the old premium dialogue preamplifier and the dialogue HP premium amplifier that I use with Magneplanar mg IIIA. After tube rolling with KT150 I can say that never in my long life I have listen with the greatest plesure. So I acquired the dialogue premium integrated for my quad Z1 and I roll the for valve, always with KT 150 (great valves after 100-200 hour of burn in). Magnificent result. So my brother bought the dialogue premium HP for his old BMW  after drived them with a lot of SS and tube ampiliers. He said that this one will be his last amplifier. Great! Trust me. 
  I can’t understand the PL bashing either. Not to say they are the best amps, preamps, etc, but quite a good value for the money. For those that like tube gear, me being on of those people, it’s hard to fault someone who may be starting out trying tubes and have little knowledge of there workings. Biasing, tube rolling come with time and a comfort level with the gear and PL gives a lot for the buck with little maintenance. I have had CJ, Moscode, Qujcksilver, all decent brands that ask a lot more of your time to keep them working optimally. I just recently got my first piece of PL gear, the Evo 100 tube DAC and I wouldn’t have bought it if it hadn’t out performed my older DAC, a Rotel 1580. The 1580 is quite good for short money and I got it to get into computer audio. The PL kicks ass over the Rotel, much more liquid, huge soundstage with great layering and a slight warmth which I personally like. Maybe it’s the euphonics from the tubes, I’m not sure but I am very happy I got the PL., it makes computer audio fun and enjoyable as can be and I’m a diehard CD and vinyl person so that says something.
Just as I thought.....

This is actually a thread in disguise to plug Prima Luna. Get the happy owners to come out and respond. Brilliant! I knew it was gonna go sideways reading the thread title.

Once again- the OP simply needs to home demo PL and any other brand and let his ears decide instead of all the "experts" here. The PL ISN'T  "the best" nor is the Raven or ANY brand.

The non audio babble is pathetic and sad.