DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000

What are the current top DAC choices in the approximately $5-$7K price range (new or used) that I should look at as possible upgrades to my current Metrum Adagio?  Having an on-board volume control is not a factor as I can operate my system either way.   If I wanted to spend more I would look at Totaldac, Rockna Wavedream Signature, or one of the other top-end contenders, but I selected the price range to achieve a sound quality that is consistent with the rest of my system and because I don't want to spend more due to the still evolving nature of digital technology.  I do like the more natural sound (to my ears) of NOS R2R DACs.  So far, I have considered the three below, but none seem to be a slam-dunk upgrade from the Adagio, which still sounds pretty good in my system.  The decision is complicated by having to "buy to try" so that I can hear one in my system.  Maybe now is not the time for an upgrade.  Any thoughts?

  • Denafrips Terminator w/DSP board - Reportedly has the full body/dense tone type of sound I like, but also has a high'ish output impedance 
  • Holo May KTE - Reportedly measures great for an R2R DAC and has strong reviews 
  • Rockna Wavelight - Some reviewers like it but others put it in the middle of the pack for the price
@jgoldrick , Thanks for reminding me about Totaldac, which has been on my list. Everything I read about how they sound seems that one of their DACs would be perfect for me but man, they are expensive. OTOH, their gear holds its value and their basic ladder DAC design has been pretty stable, which I like. Since I run my system balanced, the model I would want most would be the Totaldac Dual, which I believe now equates to their d1-six model. However, I can run a single-ended DAC into my preamp/buffer, which can then output a balanced signal to my amplifiers without penalty since the conversion is done through a pair of really expensive and high quality Lundahl transformers, so the model you have would still work for me. Regarding your experience with Totaldac, are you in the USA and, if so, how was your buying experience and how do you view the level of support available?

@veroguy , What I like about the Mojo Mystique EVO is the level of attention Ben has paid to the power supply. My SMc Audio preamp/buffer uses an expensive choke power supply and I know those are not cheap to implement but can be quite helpful to power regulation and quietness. I am a big power supply guy since my experience is that excellent attention paid to the power supply equates to good sound. This is one reason I sometimes find it hard to purchase gear further down in a manufacturer’s line, particularly if they have cut costs by cheapening the power supply. One apprehension I have with the Mojo DACs is that his gear has been sort of Lamizator’ish in that it seems to often change, which affects resale value. On the other hand, I know Ben is a great guy to deal with as he helped me get into media-less audio with my original Mojo Mac mini server. Also, I always appreciate buying my gear Made in the USA, when possible. I would really like to hear at least his B4B Evo DAC in my system and the 45-day trial period he offers is hard to argue with so I will give this one more consideration.
I'm also a big fan of the Mojo Mystique!   I recently sold my Bricasti M3 and have replaced it with a Mojo Mystique v3 Balanced.

grannyring's statement of "natural and right sounding" is right on the mark from my perspective; I find it extremely musical, and also offers great dynamics and punch.   The Evo is a step up from what I have...

I have just ordered a Bricasti M5 to pair with the Mojo.

Actually Ben does not change his dacs nearly as much as most of the industry. The good news is his Evo is easily upgraded and modular in terms of upgrading to any future improvements Ben may offer. This is a big departure from his past builds.

I upgraded my Mojo Mystique with the Lundhal chokes and the improvement was just wonderful. I strongly suggest this upgrade in terms of the overall sonic impact of Ben’s various upgrade options.

The sound of the Mojo dac is a distinct departure from the pretty much ubiquitous electronic dac sound I hear in so many high end dacs. The Mojo sounds like music. Pure and simple. No part of the sound spectrum is exaggerated or out of place no matter how loud your music plays. In fact, this dac is so effortless and right sounding that the music swells and expands when the volume is turned up and one never gets the sense that it is “loud”. It has a solidity of sound that is built from the bottom up if you will. Just so full, solid, substantial and meaty. The tone is absolutely beautiful. Anyway, I love his design and dac.

@mitch2  - agree with everything you say about the importance of power sections - and Ben does a great job there.   The EVO weights 29 pounds!  Definitely trial the EVO if you can.  

PM me if you live in Florida - maybe we can connect.  I'm bringing my EVO to another Agon member's home in Palm Beach this weekend so he can give it a listen.  He runs an Antipodes DX like you.  
You need to demo all of this. You are talking about thousands of dollars. You may love or dislike R2R DAC like Denifrips or the same of a chip based DAC. First figure out weather you prefer Honda (R2R) or Toyota (Chip based).Next go as high price as you can go. From what I’ve read on these forums price typically follows tech or power. Denifrips doubles power and tech (R2R) count as you go up. Make sure it has the amount and style of connections you want to go with your gear. Can it decipher your preferences. Does it do DSD or MQA? Is this it for a long time or are you going to get a better DAC next year. If you can wait and save up more money does it put you at the next level of DAC. Just like that Honda or Toyota you lose money as soon as you buy it new. Finally , a tried and true test of a piece of equipment. How many are for sale used. If no body appears to want to let this unit go it might be incredible. If there are a lot for sale then there is probably a reason why. Most people want to keep there Toyota Tacoma or they sell them used for top dollar.