Do chinese tube preamp/amp clones interest you?

Hi all,

looks like there a quite a few clones of almost iconic gear available, e.g. this is an example

Have you ever wondered how they sound, are tempted to try them out, maybe even get it as a kit?

Or better even, got them and can report back?

Inquiring minds would like to know,

The cheap shitttttt is exactly that, you get what you pay for, here or China.

I tried something inexpensive sold on amazon, to use in my shop, really just to find out, wondering: Their low labor cost, their lack of mark-up, volume purchasing, perhaps you can get .... for not too much money. POS, returned it, ok I learned something.

However, 'made in china' can be excellent. 

I read reviews, took a chance, bought a used Cayin A88T, eBay, returns accepted, original owner. 

There has to be other high quality stuff I don't know about. Proper research, I would not fear 'Made in China'.

Says 'Designed in Germany, Made in China'. Received, immediately took bottom cover off, extremely impressive layout, hand point to point construction, high quality parts. I've seen many innards of vintage Fisher's, McIntosh, Sherwoods, Tandbergs. IMO this unit's quality meets and/or exceeds them. Plenty of ventilation space.

this is mark 1, only one that has 16 ohm taps. later models have external bias, mine is inside.

thread here popped up

this quick search, I now see they have been around for 20 years, who knew?

Wow...did I just say Jehova?

English being my 2nd language I do realize now the difference in semantics regarding clone, my mistake.
Let me tell you where I come from...I like to build things, try stuff out, so there is a long list of components and three "systems".

I currently feel the itch to build a balanced tube preamp from a kit. I have rediscovered the fun of soldering ;-)

Used to build main tube amps, at some point was even lucky enough to have access to a transformer winding machine, but had always thought to not need a pre.
BTW...I remember comments even back in the 80s that in tube amps there are only so many iterations, most of the general circuit design is well known since decades...but that may just be hearsay.

The search for a balanced tube preamp had me find two kits, one quickly described as a 4 channel car amp and I do not understand how that would be a balanced one (unless you tied ones ground to the others "+") or the one that I referenced to in it's completed version in the OP. 

I do not expect it to be a copy of a specific model, at least on a quick search I could not find a model with only two inputs and no tone controls, it would however allow me to connect the balanced outputs from the component upstream (dbx venu 360). 


I have a Nobsound EL-34 Integrated Tube Amp
model NS 02D with upgraded tubes.
I have had no problems. It sounds great.
Point to point wiring.
Anyone have experience with Nonsound products ?

No.  It's more of a moral choice...  When was the last time in recent history a dictatorship put a million people in labor camps?
I bought a Chinese tube amp (Music Angel XD-800 MkIII) about 12 years ago just to play around with upgrading it. IIRC, it was around $500.

When I received it, I opened it up. It looked like the tech who assembled it, just put in whatever parts he had handy on his bench. Most resistors were out of spec.

Once I changed the resistors and caps, it was a pretty decent 30W Class A amp. The tube complement was 4 x KT88, 2 x 12AU7, and 2 x 12AT7. I ran Psvane KT88 and 12AU7 tubes and 50's era RCA 12AT7.

Not including tubes, the upgrade cost me just under $200 (and many hours of my time).