What s the best Class A integrated tube amp over 80W

I am using Sound Lab ESL speakers, which have a very high impedance at low frequency (30 ohms). At high frequency, SL speakers have very low impedance (3 ohms). I loved the class A in Pass Labs amp, but it took too long to FULLY warm up in my small room (9x11)-5-6 hours. I have a thread on Agon on this topic, but now I would like some recommendations on the best Class A tube integrated amp with >80W. Usually, integrated are the budget model of the line, but must be GREAT class A tube integrateds. Any recommendations?
Leave you Pass Lab amps ON. I have heard of a sound studio left theirs on for over 20 years without a failure of any kind. You may find a nice integrated amp but will probably not sound as good as Pass equipment.
please give the Rogers High Fidelity EHF-100 or EHF-200 tube integrated amplifier some thought.
a definite plus is that Roger G. (in MA) always answers the phone and is extremely helpful without being overly pushy.
Hello Chungjh, if I were to tell you, you probably wouldn’t believe me or it.  I’m assuming because I didn’t, but learned the hard way. Spent a ton of money and got me almost there: But not to where my system was perfect.  Now I currently have 3 setups where they sound perfect to me.   What am I talking about?   Older items.  People, including myself discounted older items because in my belief, there couldn’t  be any way something older could sound better than something new-  I needed to learn.  I’ve listened to a lot of “state of the art” current products and many of them fall way short of some of the classic designs.  I have many great tube amps to recommend that are a little old but are truly killer. Do you want my advice? Been in this hobby for 30 yrs.   I’ll just leave you with 2 different sounding amps but extremely fine items. Conrad Johnson Premier Four (100 watts)
Audio Research VT-100 (100 watts). 

@lowtubes.   That is what I was thinking. I am trying out an old CJ Premier 12. Just got Svetlana 6550 NOS tubes for it. Unfortunately, fuses on the bias pot for my ESL speakers went out. I will report back once I am set up again.
Hello chungjh, you are on the right track. For the money, you can’t do better than what you did. And the 6550/KT88 tube design should sound fine on Electrostats.  From my memory, the Premier 12s have a hardwired power cable. That may be the only issue limiting your options to tweak the amps.  But those amps are beautiful, powerful, and gorgeous sounding. I have a very big collection of amps going back 30yrs to current products products and I can honestly say that sometimes my vintage items outperform my more current stuff.   For my systems, I stock up on fuses so my systems are never down for long.