New Cary DMS 700

 I have the 600 and it is a great piece. 

The 700 looks to be on the next level. Ladder dac
Funny had the Lumin T2 next to the Cary 600 and the Cary Killed it. Cary much more robust. Lumin would sound good for a half an hour then hurt your ears.  In the right system though the Lumin is a great sounding player.  You would have to start at the player and work backwards. 
Lumin T2 is definitely not plug and play. Plus it was a bitch to sell.
I had the Cary DMS-500, and LUMIN T1, at my home, at the same time, and the Cary killed the Lumin hands down. Not even close. I sold the Lumin T1 shortly thereafter.

IMO, if the DMS-700 is only slightly better than the 500, it will be an outstanding value in DACs. 
Follow the link. Retail 7995. On pre sale 5995. I think it is going to be killer. 
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