Any Bluesound Node2 owners

                   I picked up a used Node2, my hope is to get decent sound out of tidal MQA. Maybe some setup tips if ya got any, it arrives on monday, thank.

My set up is Node2i and, yes, a power lead upgrade which I’m pretty sure made a difference (but I hate to admit it); and a Khadas tone board as a DAC.  When I switch the Node out for a Raspberry Pi plus a Allo One HAT, the Roon experience is the same and my ears don’t hear a difference - but my wallet says “you could have saved £250”.
I VERY reluctantly tread into digital waters with the Node2--and much to my surprise was delighted by the "comparable to CD sound" I was getting as a suscriber to Qobuz (I tried Tidal but there was no question in my mind that Qobuz sounded much closer to analog than MQA on the same releases). I followed everyone's advice to get a separate DAC--in my case a Chord Qutest. And after weeks of comparative testing, discovered absolutely no difference from the Node's own internal DAC. Returned the Qutest--and have been a satisfied streaming listener ever since. I would recommend using an Ethernet cable rather than WiFi--noticeable difference in sound quality. Good luck and happy listening.

I’ve not listened to a Chord Qutest but it gets rave reviews. I have a Vault 2 and and in my system it’s night and day difference between the onboard DAC or using the DAC in either my Cambridge 851C or RME. I agree the audible difference between Qobuz and Tidal is there but to my ears the difference between DACs is more substantial. 
Sorry if this has been mentioned but having lived with a Node2 now for 5 years here's my biggest advice- Ethernet cable!!! The wifi is unstable, unreliable and often frustrating. With ethernet I've had virtually no problems, great streaming and a very good experience. Good luck and enjoy. 
+1 for anyone advocating ethernet over wifi. It's not unlike what I imagine a new DAC would do. Of course, it's all dependent upon you, your gear, etc., but do not ignore this very audible improvement. I'm quite satisfied with the analogue output from my Node 2i after upgrading a couple of cables and one of them ethernet.