Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?

I recently bought a new power cord but there isn’t much difference in sound quality between this new cord and the previous Wireworld Elektra 7 which it replaces. The cords are used on the DAC.

Any ideas if the cord needs to burn in to open up and sound better? It currently has about 5 hours on it and I think I prefer the sound quality of the previous cord which costs 10 times cheaper.

Any thoughts appreciated.
Some PC's do need more time to burn in but improvements in certain areas would be audible, if none, especially for low powered dacs, then they will not sound much better when they break in.
Flat Earth Science at best! "The capacity of Humans for self-delusion is apparently unlimited" - Mr.Spock the Vulcan
I definitely noticed the burn in phenomena with my audio quest power cables: monsoon and blizzard
Sometimes they sound worse before they get better. Do what MC sez. Or be sorry for the massive outlay. I think you would have been better served putting the $$ into a fuse for your DAC. If you haven't already that is your constricter. A 2" pipe is ineffectual going into a 1/2" valve