Benchmark DAC 3B Vs. Schiit Gungnir Multibit and a question.

I currently am using the Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC.  I’m thinking of switching to the Benchmark DAC 3B.  Does anyone have any experience or opinions with regard to both these products? I already have a Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier and would think the DAC would be a good match.  The description of the Benchmark DAC says it’s designed to work directly with an amplifier.  I’ve been using the Gungnir with a CJ preamp until now. Question is, is there still a benefit to using a good preamp with the Benchmark DAC?
Well, I got it and am making some preliminary tests.
Out of the box it sounds great.
I just put on a CD that I’ve always liked the sound of, and it sounds cleaner, more detailed.  Literally the first CD I tried, but I think it bodes well for everything else.
Not the slightest tinge of over brightness.  I have a modded CJ tube preamplifier which, I think, matches very well.
More to come as I try out other things.

let us know how it compares to your gumby

cj will help cure a lot of digital ills - which cj?

have fun!
I’ve done a lot of listening in the last few hours.  The impression I have is that it is much more accurate and detailed than the Gumby.  However, it is somewhat unforgiving of some CDs even though it’s really outstanding on others.
Have to do  a lot more listening to determine if I want to keep it.  It certainly is convincing me that I don’t want to stay with the Gumby though.
The preamp model is the PV 11 modified by CJ with Teflon caps.

suggest you give a week, for me it takes time to really come to a solid conclusion, need multiple listening sessions, some cable or equipment swaps, some break in/settling in

to me the gumby had some nice r2r qualities, more rounded sound, detail was from within, not up front, bass was rounder flowed rather than slammed...

i had pv12 and pv14 back in the day... definitely a honey colored lovely luscious tubey character, will do wonders with sharper dacs of the modern day!
Second day of listening, and it seems to have broken in.
Very accurate but more mellow.  More forgiving on bad CDs than yesterday.
Even dared to compare the same identical  track from an LP to the Benchmark and the results weren’t bad at all.  Of course, the LP was better, but not by much.