Van Den Hul Grail Vs Grail SE

Has anyone compared the VDH Grail to the Grail SE? If so please provide your results and which Turntable and cartridge you used. Thank You...
My apologies jakesnak! I was just in a grumpy mood when I posted. I have removed my three posts.
Thanks for that roberjerman! Hoping the thread will get back on track as I was following with great interest. 
Roberjerman, apology excepted. You didn't have to do that yet you did! That speaks volume. Thank You...
Hi @jakesnak. Two main differences with the SE: 1) balanced support end-to-end, and 2) significantly more robust dual external power supplies instead of the base unit's smaller single unit.

Audibly, the SE is faster, more dynamic, and has more bottom end slam. If you have a resolving system you'll appreciate the difference.

I'm a van den Hul dealer; feel free to hit me up with questions.
