Experiences Selling Stuff On Audiogon?

I know Ebay is terrible, but how has your experience selling gear on Audiogon been? I have some stuff that's too high-end for the market I live in, and so I gotta cast the net wider. Not looking forward to the potential hassle.

If your so afraid trade it in and take a big loss.Audiogon is the best used market.
I have been using Audiogon since 2001.  It's worked well for me buying and selling.  

Let me understand this, at AG they charge again and again for a relist?

It cost less (like ZERO) to leave it, than remove it, and they charge for a relist? True middle man America speaking...LOUD...

Listing a house, I’m gonna repay a person working their butt off, to move my house. BUT DIDN’T.

Here it takes, more work to remove the add and NO ONE is trying to sell it for you. BUT you have an option to "CHAT". That is one expensive option. I’ll talk to myself...Selling YOUR information too boot... and handing out cookies, with a glitch, OH YEA I pay attention....

That was an easy decision for me then.. WOW I didn’t realise, the greedy practice.. NOW a lot of the policies make a LOT more sense to me...

I have only bought here, same with everyone I know. We are all getting ready for some serious, equipment moving. All of us except, our kids, are retiring (some of those too).

P.T. Barnum said it best...None of us go to the circus...All of us were skilled labor, might have worked for them though...

Agon read my post... Think about what I said.... I’m being very honest here... I pay to post., I'm a member.

Pay to not sell? MERCY... Got some big uns' YUP

as hilde says, audiogon and us audiomart (if you are in the usa) are the 2 go-to sites

audio circle is a third but much narrower viewer/buyer base

if you go to any of these it is important to establish a good track record... means alot people are cautious dealing with someone with a poor or no positive feedback -- so many dishonest people and time wasters out there
Years ago, back in the late '90's & 2000's, I did a ton of buying & selling on audiogon. That's when it seemed waaaay easier to buy & sell used gear, & just keep changing your system w/o losing too much in $ terms.

I've done a lot of buying & selling on ebay also. I think buying is better than selling there for expensive audio gear. My current 2 mint condition Bryston amps I bought on ebay, at fair or even great prices. Also my Nord Electro 3 keyboard. And I just bought a used Pioneer DV-45A DVD/SACD player on feebay for $75 w/free shipping that I just unpacked & seems in mint condition.

The last expensive audio component that I "sold" on feebay was a Cary pre-amp for $1800. Almost immediately the buyer started driving me nuts with email after email insisting that it was going to be destroyed in shipping, even tho it had the best packing I've ever seen. Finally we agreed to cancel the sale. I put it on AA (for free) & after a few months sold it (semi) locally
for $1500 CASH, in person, not paypal. I live about an hour from Boston, so I have access to that market.

Oh, yeah, & a few years ago I sold a mint pair of B&W N805 speakers that I listed on CL in about a day it seems like. I didn't have the boxes so didn't want to ship. The buyer was a Nut & 2 hours late, then wanted to "audition" them for an hour or 2 but he finally coughed up the $1500 in, again, CASH.