Having been on this site for nearly 20 years, I find that the content of this forum hasn’t changed all that much. What has changed is the desire for people on either side of a discussion (or argument if you prefer) to shout the other side down and the amount of vitriol displayed to do so. People see no need to consider the other side of the coin when they are certain that they are right. That is not confined to this site. It is prevalent in society everywhere these days.Thanks for voicing and writing better than i could do what i think....
My best regards to you....
P.S. it is interesting to interrogate ourself and others about the question the OP propose anyway, saying the opposite is simply bad faith....There is worst thread than this one to say the least...
Like i said for me quality of design/pricing and timing are the keys for the survival, i will pose advertising method in a wide sense only third....And Esthetic fourth.... 😊