Becoming instant 1%ers changes most people Erik. You post like it doesn’t.
It should be:
How I’d spend... If my values don’t change.
Not likely.
But you did get a lot of responses:
"What I would buy if I had (suddenly) no spending restraints (instant rich.)
How could they possibly know?
Exactly. Another off the wall goofball fantasy thread. When in reality if you woke up one day with all the money in the world another stereo will probably be the last thing on your mind.
What would happen is first you go looking for a better home. But it turns out all the really good homes already have people living in them. So what do you care? Buy them out! Why not? You have all the money in the world! And the world is such a big place, pretty soon you're hiring people to find even better places and stuff. Whole teams, armies of people! Why not? What do you care what it costs? You have all the money in the world!
This is like the other one he did, anyone remember? Its the end of the world, everyone gone, you make one last trip to the store what stereo do you get? What do you mean what stereo? Whole planet to yourself, gonna spend it cooped up in a shack in the woods? What planet are you on?
Planet! Now you're talking! All the money in the world, before long the question is, why just this one world?!
Then again maybe not. Maybe you really do think so small all you can come up with is Krell and D'Agostino. Even stuck in the stereo rut the choices aren't very imaginative. All the money in the world. What a waste.