KEF R3s or Dynaudio special 40?

Hi guys, 

Just looking for some opinions about both of these speakers and which sound "better", IL be running them with the Yamaha MXD 1 and it's pre amp. The KEF's are around 1300 USD in my country (new) but retail for 2100, the special 40 are 2000 USD used and retail for around 3000 USD.

All opinions appreciated. 

They are both about the same. They will both not do low bass which is a serious problem and they are both made of wood. So they will sound wooden. 

What you are seeking is validation from us that you have made the right choice. You are not willing to go and listen to the speakers and make up your own mind. You are not yet ready to be an audiophile.
Nope.... they sound nothing alike Kenjit. Anyone who's ever heard them would say the same thing. I prefer the Dynaudio. Great little speakers! 

The Kefs are a little metallic sounding IMO but otherwise very capable. The Dyns are smooth and sound very good on almost everything but need to bring an amp with balls or some higher powered tubes to the party. 
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