Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
By the way, I guess this would be a good a place as any to announce that I am the proud new owner of the Def 3. I've had them in my home for a few weeks now. Haven't had the chance to do much critical listening yet, but am loving what I hear so far.
They replaced my longtime (23 years) Klipshorns, do to an upcoming (downsize) retirement move. I was also running a sub with the Khorns, but there's no room for that in my new place either. So considering my 6 watt SET amp, and no room for a sub, I decided on the Def 3's
Can anyone comment on the level of difficulty in setting up the Def 4 speakers? I was a Soul Superfly owner and lover and when positioned just right, they were pretty exceptional in my shared living room. As my needs for that room evolved (along with furniture layout) I had an extremely difficult time coaxing the potential from them and ultimately gave up trying, intending to re-visit Zu when I sell my condo and have a larger space.

I'm still in the same room, but the temptation of trying the Def 4s is strong... Any insight?
Agear- I'm pretty much settled on tube right now. I've had Mcintosh and FirstWatt, so well aware of the best of SS type designs w/ Zu, which I'm sure ASR is in the same league as.

My room is a bit of a bear and eats bass, so that has led me to P/P amps in general--SET hasn't worked out in my room.
Keith, that makes sense. I think the secret sauce with ASR involves the battery powered input stage. Glory and others can chime in on how it sounds with the Zus....
I can pretty much understand where the pro and not so pro ASR comments are coming from. It's the age old debate as to whether cool detailed neutrality is preferable to a maybe more colourful but equally vibrant sound.
My Def 4s are due to be ready in July, and having taken on a highly neutral and transparent tt/arm (see my thread on the analog forum 'Trans Fi Audio Salvation direct rim drive turntable') I'm on the hunt for a neutral cartridge.
The market for an upgraded amp is an interesting one, currently I run Hovland HP200 tube pre/Radia ss pow, which has served me well with the Def 2s. I have identified three ways to go if Def 4s indicate need for improvement, all for about the same price as the Def 4s. These are: the ASR Emitter 2, Dave Berning Z-OTL pre/pow, and the Audion pre or Silvercore TVC pre/Audion Silver Dream pow. My only issue with the ASR as a complement to the Def 4s is that the amps are overpowerful at 250w/ch feeding 101+dB efficient speakers, which by design only need the first 15-30W on tap. Doesn't this leave a possible power/impedance mismatch between the ASR and the Def 4s, showing neither to their best advantage?