By the way, I guess this would be a good a place as any to announce that I am the proud new owner of the Def 3. I've had them in my home for a few weeks now. Haven't had the chance to do much critical listening yet, but am loving what I hear so far.
They replaced my longtime (23 years) Klipshorns, do to an upcoming (downsize) retirement move. I was also running a sub with the Khorns, but there's no room for that in my new place either. So considering my 6 watt SET amp, and no room for a sub, I decided on the Def 3's
They replaced my longtime (23 years) Klipshorns, do to an upcoming (downsize) retirement move. I was also running a sub with the Khorns, but there's no room for that in my new place either. So considering my 6 watt SET amp, and no room for a sub, I decided on the Def 3's